With the support of the Administration
Tomsk region
+7 (3822) 901-000

74 Vershinin St., 236, 634034 Tomsk, Russia
Phone (3822) 221-327
E-mail: main@vipelec.ru

Company Description

“VIP Electronics” Ltd. develops and produces intelligent (smart) power electronic devices.
Core activities include:

  • design and production of power supply units;
  • industrial automation;
  • design of measurement and test­ing stands (facilities);
  • modernization of out-dated equipment;
  • design and production of labora­tory facilities (training simulators) for students in radio- and electro-techni­cal universities;
  • professional training of microcon­troller and microprocessor software engineers.

Output Product Description

  • hand-operated coiling device for inductor coil, transformers, etc.;
  • coils of various sizes and shapes;
  • enameled wire-stripping de­vice “Zetta” stripping small-diameter enameled wire ends in the production of coils, transformers, motors, induc­tors, etc.