With the support of the Administration
Tomsk region
+7 (3822) 901-000

LLC “Diagnostika+” – a small innovative enterprise, the main profile of which is the development of the latest methods and devices for non-invasive medical diagnostics of human conditions, as well as:


  • an associate member of the “Medicine of the Future” Technology Platform;
  • the initiator of the cluster project “Creation of Automation Tools for Continuous Monitoring of Cardioregulatory Fetal Disorders and Cardiorespiratory Disorders of Newborns for the System for Prevention of Ante- and Postnatal Death” of the innovative territorial cluster “Pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and information technologies of the Tomsk Region”.


Contact Information:

E-mail: info@diagnostic.tom.ru

Address: 634029, Tomsk, pr. Frunze, 11b, room 407.

Phone: 8- (3822) -526-760