With the support of the Administration
Tomsk region
+7 (3822) 901-000

The company «APF-center» uses a unique treatment method TOMATIS - a method of audio-vocal training.

The task of the method is to train the ears to hear and perceive those sounds that were not absorbed before. The purpose of the method is to improve the ability of the brain to perceive and process different information. This is a retraining of the listening process. Listening training is designed to restore the ear's ability to hear in a more efficient, organized, and balanced manner. Tomatis considers the ear as the most important organ that forms the human mind. When the listening function is expanded or restored, the brain exhibits a more effective ability to perceive and process signals from the environment.

According to the theory developed by Professor A. Tomatis (later confirmed by other specialists), the ear of the embryo begins to function in four and a half months. The baby, being in the amniotic fluid in the womb, hears many sounds that become inaccessible to him after birth - the heartbeat and breathing of the mother, her voice, noises from the work of internal organs. This is due to the fact that during the period of intrauterine development, the child’s ears are filled with a fluid that conducts sound much better than air, in particular, the high-frequency sound components are less attenuated in the fluid, and they are also amplified many times by the mother’s bone structures (spinal column, pelvic bones).

In addition, our ear is not only an organ of hearing, but it also contains a system for controlling human movement — the vestibular system, which begins to develop as early as the seventh month of fetal life.

For this reason, A. Tomatis suggests using the mother’s voice to reopen the hearing process. The voice passes through the filters and becomes similar to the sounds that the fetus hears in the womb. The mother’s voice is a solid foundation, thanks to which the listening process begins to form and develop, which also affects the subsequent development of language and motor skills. On the whole, this whole process is nothing but an attempt to “reprogram” the various stages of human development through symbolic experience.

The application of this method is possible thanks to the device known as the “Electronic Ear”. This device, through the interaction of an integrated pass system and filters and the special setting (adjustment) of the delay and precession time, can stimulate the desire to hear and, as a result, communicate.

Currently, the "Electronic Ear" has been improved in the laboratory Mozart - Brain - Lab. Many new Brain Activator developments help solve individual tasks more purposefully.

As a result of his many years of work, A. Tomatis formulated three laws that are known to the world as the “Tomatis Effect”:

1. The voice reproduces only those sounds that the ear can hear.

2. If you change the hearing, you can immediately change the voice diction.

3. Repetition of acoustic stimulation over a period of time leads to a final change in hearing and subsequent phonation (ie speech, voice quality).

Contact information:
Tomsk, Rosa Luxemburg st. 19
Tel .: 8 (3822) 909-100
Email: meduser99@yandex.ru