При поддержке Администрации
Томской области
+7 (3822) 901-000
On the 27th May, while at the regional legislative meeting (DUMA) the governor of the Tomsk Region, Sergei Zhvachkin spoke about the annual report of the administration.

The head of the region emphasized, that the first project of complex territorial development in Russia, INO Tomsk, began simultaneously with the strategy of regional development and became the driving force in the advanced development of science, education, industry, infrastructure and social spheres.
“INO Tomsk helped us attract 53 bln rubles of investments into the region's economy, only 6.5% of which is the share of regional and local budgets.  Around 30% of the investments came from the federal budget, 64% is private investments”, – the governor of the Tomsk Region, Sergei Zhvachkin noted.
He pointed the attention of the congressmen to the fact, that the concept of INO Tomsk gave the kick start to creation of the new generation infrastructure with favorable investment conditions for creating new production plants.  For example, the government opened one of the first among the closed cities of Russia priority social and economic development area Seversk and created five industrial-technological clusters – oil and gas, forest, nuclear technologies, technologies of processing of renewable natural resources, and technologies of tight oil reserves production.
Cluster policy allowed for the increase of the production share of high technology and science-based industries in gross regional product.  In 2020 its share amounted to 21.5%.