With the support of the Administration
Tomsk region
+7 (3822) 901-000


Business mission of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Tomsk region to Georgia

  In April 2014 the business-mission of 15 Tomsk small and medium enterprises to the Republic of Georgia, organized with the support of the Regional Center for Export Support of Tomsk CCI and the Department of entrepreneurship and real economy development was held.

  Tomsk delegation's visit was the first business mission of Russian business to Georgia since 2008 and was held under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Georgia.

  The business program of Tomsk enterprises included visits to Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Rustavi, where they held more than 70 B2B meetings with the Georgian companies; they also visited Georgian leading industrial enterprises as well as Technical State University of Georgia and Kutaisi free industrial zone.


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 Entrepreneurs from Tomsk discuss the opportunities of cooperation with India