With the support of the Administration
Tomsk region
+7 (3822) 901-000
Delegation of Tomsk innovative small and medium enterprises returned to Tomsk from Mexico with the partnership proposals and expansion of contacts.

  Delegation of Tomsk innovative small and medium enterprises returned to Tomsk from Mexico with the partnership proposals and expansion of contacts.

  Within the frame work of the business mission Tomsk enterprises presented successfully their products to the Mexican partners. The initiators of the business mission include Tomsk CCI under the support of the Regional Department of entrepreneurial development and RF Embassy in Mexico.

  The main meetings of the business trip became the presentations in big national association of enterprises of Mexico – COMСE that includes 1600 companies, National Chamber of Commerce CONACO, industrial park in Tuluka, Mexican association of IT AMITI, media conglomerate TELEVISA – the biggest in the world among Spanish-speaking countries and the 2nd in size in Latin America.

  The visit of Tomsk delegation sparked interest of Mexican businessmen. For instance, in the meeting in COMCE 50 representatives of Mexican business took part instead of 25 people. The majority of businessmen sent to Tomsk enterprises the enquiries and offers about cooperation.

  Russian ambassador in Mexico Mr. Eduard Malayan: “Tomsk mission is the serious step in development of Russia and Mexico bilateral relationships. This visit became the confirmation for Mexican businessmen about the Russian interest to cooperation. I want to point out the strong composition of a delegation, the level and elaborated commercial proposals. According to the composition of the delegation – this is one of the strongest Russian delegations came to Mexico in post-Soviet period”.

  Interest to Tomsk companies also confirms the level of the reception of the delegation. For example, Minister of Economic Affairs of the state Mexico (the most populated state in Mexico) seignior Adrian Fuentes specially came for the meeting with Tomsk enterprises with the delegation of official representatives that are responsible for the questions on support and assistance in business development and external economic relations.

  The participants of the meetings were the general director of COMCE Lorenzo Isazi, Chairman of business-committee Mexico-Russia COMCE, president Hose Karral, director of National Chamber of Commerce Maurusio Avendano, one of the directors of the association ProMexico Alehandra Sanchez; Tomsk delegation was greeted also by general director of media conglomerate TELEVISA Elias Rodrigez.

  Visit to the regional media empire was one of the most interesting events for Tomsk businessmen. Tomsk enterprises were greeted at the best advantage and had opportunity to participate in preparing the release of national news of this media empire, one of the Tomsk enterprises was allowed to do a work with one of the cameras in news room.

  In the words of the participants, high level of the reception of delegation and presentation of the potential of Tomsk region raise the status of the companies in business establishments and give the opportunity to conduct specific negotiations without spending time on related explanations.

  The President of the group of companies “Elecard” Andrey Pozdniakov “Our company with its process technologies and the projects in the sphere of digital TV sparked interest of the heads of TELEVISA. Undoubtedly, the reached agreements about cooperation will turn into the contracts soon”.

  Vice-president of Tomsk CCI Julia Bolshanina: “The IT-products of Tomsk companies “Elcom+” and “Elecard” sparked the major interest of Mexican side. These companies have great prospective for expansion on Mexican market and make agreements with the partners related to serious projects. Besides, the company “Incom” received interesting offers. We hope that cooperation between Tomsk and Mexican companies will receive a fresh impetus and also we want to see the Mexican businessmen in Tomsk with return visit in the nearest future”.

  Business mission became one of the last events of international development of cooperation of Tomsk regional SMEs in 2013 with the support of the Regional center of export promotion of Tomsk CCI under the support of the Regional Department of entrepreneurial development and Economic Development Ministry of the Russian Federation.

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